Tag: umbrella

Unboxing Umbrella’s Exclusive 4K Art Attack Terrifier Collector’s Edition Boxset

Umbrella released an exclusive Terrifier collection on their website last Halloween, and it finally arrived on my doorstep. Check out what may be my dumbest blind buy to date as I unbox this incredible collection! If you enjoy this video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to Cinefessions on YouTube!   Branden ChowenBranden…

Blu-ray Haul | A Found Footage Horror Box Set from Orbit DVD!

I recently grabbed a new horror box set from Umbrella Entertainment (via Orbit DVD), so let’s unbox it! If you enjoy this video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to Cinefessions on YouTube!   Branden ChowenBranden has been a film fan since he was young, roaming the halls of Blockbuster Video, trying to…

Blu-ray Haul & Unboxing | 3 Packages of 4Ks & Blu-rays from Second Sight, Umbrella & More!

I imported some releases in from overseas, and these are incredible…check out the three boxes I got in today from Diabolik DVD! If you enjoy this video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to Cinefessions on YouTube!   Branden ChowenBranden has been a film fan since he was young, roaming the halls of…