Tag: two and a half stars

Capsule Review – Branden Chowen on Coherence (2013)

The Cinefessions crew loves sharing their opinions on films, but not every movie can get the attention it deserves with a full review. Enter the Cinefessions’ Capsule Reviews. These capsule reviews cover five of the most important aspects of a film, which allow the crew to deliver their opinions on any movie clearly, decisively, and…

Capsule Review – Branden Chowen on The Call (2013)

The Cinefessions crew loves sharing their opinions on films, but not every movie can get the attention it deserves with a full review. Enter the Cinefessions’ Capsule Reviews. These capsule reviews cover five of the most important aspects of a film, which allow the crew to deliver their opinions on any movie clearly, decisively, and…

13 Days of Halloween: Day 9.5 – Chris Ranson on V/H/S: Viral (2014)

Title: V/H/S: Viral (2014) Directors: Justin Benson, Gregg Bishop, Todd Lincoln, Aaron Moorhead, Marcel Sarmiento, and Nacho Vigalondo Runtime: 97 minutes — If there’s one subgenre in horror that I really don’t care for, it’s the found footage style, which our very own Branden adores for some reason. While I don’t care for it, that…

13 Days of Halloween: Day 5 – Branden Chowen on Coraline (2009)

Title: Coraline (2009) Director: Henry Selick Runtime: 100 minutes — Coraline is a frustrating film. It is filled with incredible visuals – some of the best I have ever seen, in fact – but the story around these visuals just doesn’t hold up. The movie feels like a Tim Burton film with the dark meter…

Movie Review – Chris Ranson on The Surrogate (2013)

Title: The Surrogate (2013) Director: Doug Campbell Runtime: 89 minutes — As The Surrogate DVD booted up, I got scared. The previews, and the company’s logo, are roughly VHS quality, and it lowered my expectations for the film greatly. What kind of movie was I getting myself into? The cover art screams The Cradle Will…

Movie Review – Chris Ranson on The Bunnyman Massacre (2014)

Title: The Bunnyman Massacre (2014) Director: Carl Lindbergh Runtime: 104 minutes — I was stoked when I found out that I was going to review a film about a killer in a bunny costume. This sounded absurd, and I do love the absurd, but I was worried because I never saw the first film. Thankfully,…

Movie Review – Ashe Collins on Mold! (2012)

Title: Mold! (2012) Director: Neil Meschino Runtime: 86 minutes — I expected Mold! to be something kind of serious; the cover makes it look that way, even with the blurb on the back and comparisons they make. The inside cover has what I’m guessing should have been on the outside of the box in the…