Tag: rob zombie

Best/Worst of 2010: Top 5 Disappointments

Part two of this four part “series” covers the biggest disappointments of the year. These are not necessarily the worst movies I watched last year, just the ones that I was most excited to see, or had a ton of hype built around them, and then failed to deliver. Practically all of these are horror…

Movie #34 – Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

Movie Number- 34 Title- Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) Genre- Horror Branden’s Rating- 4 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating- 5 out of 10 Average Rating- 4.5 Netflix Rating- 2 Stars Comments– When I can manage to fall asleep at a horror movie that is based on the people getting murdered in their sleep, you know…

Movie #8 – Halloween II (2009)

Movie Number- 8 Title– Halloween II (2009) Genre– Horror Branden’s Rating– 3 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating- 5 out of 10 Average Rating– 4 Netflix Rating– 2 Stars Comments- We are both huge Halloween fans (1970s), and I love all of Rob Zombies previous works (House of 1000 Corpses, Devil’s Rejects, and Halloween (2008?)), but…