Tag: one and a half stars

13 Days of Halloween: Day 7 – Chris Ranson on Ouija (2014)

Title: Ouija (2014) Director: Stiles White Runtime: 89 minutes — The first trailer for Ouija made me want to see it. It looked fun and creepy, and who hasn’t played with one of those spirit boards? I have fond memories of playing with a Ouija board with friends, and no one would ever admit to…

13 Days of Halloween: Day 1 – Chris Ranson on See No Evil 2 (2014)

Title: See No Evil 2 (2014) Director: The Soska Sisters Runtime: 90 minutes — Sometimes I can’t help but wonder why some films get a sequel. Back in 2006, the world got to “See No Evil”. It was a WWE film with their very own Glenn “Kane” Jacobs playing a serial killer that stabbed people’s…

Movie Review – Chris Ranson on Wish I Was Here (2014)

Title: Wish I Was Here (2014) Director: Zach Braff Runtime: 106 minutes — I never liked Garden State, Zach Braff’s first turn as a writer/director/star, and I didn’t enjoy Scrubs. Frankly, I thought going to Kickstarter for this film was a shame because, let’s face it, if it was good, Hollywood would have eaten it…

DVD Review – Chris Ranson on Caesar and Otto’s Deadly Xmas (2012)

Sometimes a film has such a unique title and great cover that it makes you want to see it. With that in mind, I was excited when I received Caesar and Otto’s Deadly Xmas to review. I hadn’t heard of the film before, or the duo, but it looked like it would be entertaining. Boy,…

Movie Review – Chris Ranson on A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)

Title: A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014) Director: Seth MacFarlane Runtime: 116 minutes — After seeing the trailers for Seth MacFarlane’s latest comedy, A Million Ways to Die in the West, it just didn’t look like it would be any good. Branden put it in his honorable mentions section of the Summer…

April in The Asylum: Branden Chowen on The Amityville Haunting (2011)

For the entire month of April, Cinefessions will be locked into The Asylum, reviewing films released by the famed studio. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday throughout April you will get another review on a film released by The Asylum. April’s podcast will also be devoted to films from The Asylum, and you can decide which three…

Movie Review – Chris Ranson on Need for Speed (2014)

Title: Need for Speed (2014) Director: Scott Waugh Runtime: 130 minutes — Need for Speed is the latest video game series to get turned into a film, following in the footsteps of such “classics” as Super Mario Bros. and Doom. This time around it’s a racing game series, which typically don’t have plots (the last…