Tag: movie soundtracks

Blu-ray Haul | 4K, Blu-rays and…Movie Soundtracks Because Why Not?

Here’s a physical media for you where I share some 4K, Blu-rays, and even some movie soundtracks on CD from various used media stores near me, plus some eBay finds! If you enjoy this video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to Cinefessions on YouTube!   Branden ChowenBranden has been a film fan…

A Cinefessions Video – Movie & TV Soundtrack CD Haul | 7 New Soundtracks for the Collection!

I don’t often collect CDs anymore, but I can’t pass up some great movie and TV soundtracks, especially when they’re this cheap! Check out seven soundtracks I found recently. If you enjoy this video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to Cinefessions on YouTube!   Branden ChowenBranden has been a film fan since…