Tag: hostel

Movie #124/October Horrorthon #12 – The Brazen Bull (2010)

So I have fallen behind…big time.  There is no way I can write reviews for all of the films I have seen since #123, but I still want to post all of them.  I have some reviews written already, so I will post those first, and then post a catch-up post to follow with all…

Movie #15 – Midnight Meat Train

Movie Number- 15 Title– Midnight Meat Train Genre– Horror Branden’s Rating– 6 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating– 6 out of 10 Average Rating– 6 Netflix Rating– 3 Stars Comments– This movie was a perfect example of an ending ruining the entire film. The film started off REALLY good, and it had that “ugly beautiful” thing…