Tag: dvd review

DVD Review – Chris Ranson on Caesar and Otto’s Deadly Xmas (2012)

Sometimes a film has such a unique title and great cover that it makes you want to see it. With that in mind, I was excited when I received Caesar and Otto’s Deadly Xmas to review. I hadn’t heard of the film before, or the duo, but it looked like it would be entertaining. Boy,…

DVD Review – Chris Ranson on Scream Park (2012)

The horror genre has really changed in my thirty years of viewership. The current trend seems to be possession films, but I’ll be honest, the ‘80s slashers were always my favorite. I’m really digging the current revival we are getting, and the throwback films are a lot of fun. Scream Park is the latest film…

DVD Review – Chris Ranson on Rabid Love (2013)

I never know what to expect from low budget horror films but when I heard I was reviewing Rabid Love, I had to watch the trailer. I was pumped because it looked like a lot of fun. Outside of that trailer, though, I couldn’t find much information on the film besides the cover art, which…

DVD Review – Branden Chowen on Slaughter Daughter (2012)

The world of micro-budget horror can be a fun, scary place. I’ve been lucky enough to review a few gems along the way, but the majority of these releases cannot overcome their almost non-existent budget. Slaughter Daughter, from director Travis Campbell, falls somewhere in between these two ends of the spectrum. While Campbell and company…

Movie #121 – Score (1974)

I am now writing for Inside Pulse Movies doing reviews, so I will post the meat of my DVD/BD reviews that will eventually go live there, here on my blog to keep everything together.  Please be sure to check out the website I am writing for because I am very excited about it.  I have…