Tag: 1960s

#CSSC6 Week Three Preview – Battle of the Decades: Part II – 1950s vs 1960s

Are your eyes straining from all the white subtitles on white backgrounds we all had to suffer through during week two? I sure hope not, because week three is already upon us, and the Challenge doesn’t stop! Week three of the Sixth Annual Cinefessions Summer Screams Challenge presents a first for the Challenge: a double…

Movie Review – Branden Chowen on Quadrophenia (1979)

Title: Quadrophenia (1979) Director: Franc Roddam Runtime: 117 minutes — Franc Roddam’s Quadrophenia is a hodgepodge of a film that mixes rock music, teenage angst, and gang warfare to create an intriguing, character-driven story of Britain’s “mod” scene of the 1960s. But it’s not the story or plot that makes Quadrophenia memorable, it’s the wonderfully effective musical score by…