Category: Media Haul

Blu-ray Haul | 4K, Blu-rays and…Movie Soundtracks Because Why Not?

Here’s a physical media for you where I share some 4K, Blu-rays, and even some movie soundtracks on CD from various used media stores near me, plus some eBay finds! If you enjoy this video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to Cinefessions on YouTube!   Branden ChowenBranden has been a film fan…

Physical Media Unboxing | New Arrow Video Release from Orbit, & VHS tapes (+ More) from eBay!

I found some goodies on eBay and Orbit DVD this week, so let’s check out all the 4K, Blu-rays, and VHS tapes I picked up in this physical media unboxing! If you enjoy this video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to Cinefessions on YouTube!   Branden ChowenBranden has been a film fan…

Blu-ray Haul | All the New Blu-ray and 4K Discs I’ve Hauled Recently!

Let’s take a look at all of the new items I bought on 4K & Blu-ray last month, including 4K steelbooks! If you enjoy this video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to Cinefessions on YouTube!   Branden ChowenBranden has been a film fan since he was young, roaming the halls of Blockbuster…

Blu-ray Haul | Unboxing a Load of Cheap Blu-ray, 4K, and Steelbooks from Amazon!

Amazon has been having some incredible sales this past week, so here’s everything I decided to pick-up on Blu-ray and 4K, including some steelbooks! If you enjoy this video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to Cinefessions on YouTube!   Branden ChowenBranden has been a film fan since he was young, roaming the…

Disc Replay Movie Haul | A Genre-Filled Stack of Buy 3, Get 6 Free DVDs!

Today I’m sharing my latest Buy 3, Get 6 Free DVD haul from Disc Replay, and it’s pretty heavy on the horror and thriller side this time out! If you enjoy this video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to Cinefessions on YouTube!   Branden ChowenBranden has been a film fan since he…

Book and Blu-ray Haul | Unboxing a New 4K & Novelization from A24 (and More!)

Today we’ve got a random one where I share my latest A24 Shop purchase, plus a manga and a media tie-in book! If you enjoy the video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to Cinefessions on YouTube!   Branden ChowenBranden has been a film fan since he was young, roaming the halls of…

Blu-ray Haul | Unboxing New Releases from Mill Creek and Visual Vengeance!

Mill Creek Entertainment and Visual Vengeance have sent over some new releases coming out this week, so let’s unbox them and see what they sent! If you enjoy this video, please give it a like!   Branden ChowenBranden has been a film fan since he was young, roaming the halls of Blockbuster Video, trying to…