#315Albums is a list of 315 albums that appear on both the Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Albums of All Time list, as well as the 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die book, edited by Robert Dimery. At its best, it is a representation of some of the greatest music ever released; at its worst, it is a journey through the history of music that the majority see as important, influential, and/or relevant. If nothing else, these albums are worth experiencing at least once to get a better understanding of music, which is why we are working to complete all #315Albums.

No. 028

“It was the rustic beauty of the Band’s music and the drama of their own reflections on family and obligations, on songs such as ‘The Weight’, that made Big Pink an instant homespun classic.”

Artist: The Band
Album: Music From Big Pink
Released: 1968
Label: Capitol
Rolling Stones Ranking: 34

At first, my ignorance lead me to believe this was a movie soundtrack from a film I’d never heard of, Big Pink. Instead, though, Big Pink refers to the house where The Band spent time near Bob Dylan after Dylan had a bad motorcycle accident. It’s interesting little triva like this that I’m happy to be picking up throughout this journey. To top it off, the music from the album is great! I recognized only one song from the album – “The Weight” – and had no idea The Band was responsible for it. The album as a whole just feels free, and open, as if they were just experimenting, found something they liked, and then put lyrics to it. It’s a unique sound that really worked for me. I’m interested in checking out some more of their albums.

Cinefessions’ #315Albums Rating: 78%

Image and quote courtesy of Rolling Stone Magazine.