distressed podastWelcome back The Cinefessions Podcast, episode 135! Today, Marc, and Branden continue the Summer Sequels 2018 Arc with a review of Inside (2016)! If you missed our review of the original film, check out episode 71.

Do you want to be a part of The Cinefessions Podcast? Well now you can be by leaving us a voicemail at 1-302-448-TALK (8255). If you have any questions, comments, corrections, or review requests, we would love to hear from you at that number. You can leave us a voicemail at any time of day, and we will feature it on the next Cinefessions Podcast!

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Remember that The Cinefessions Podcast is now on a bi-weekly schedule, which means episode 136 will release on Monday, August 27th, with a review of The Strangers: Prey at Night (2018)! Make sure to follow us on social media for any last minute schedule changes due to life happenings.

Note that these episodes are filled with major spoilers, and we highly recommend that you watch the films before listening to our podcasts if you do not want the films spoiled for you. These podcasts also contain adult language and adult content.

If you haven’t already, make sure you “Like” Cinefessions on Facebook!

Remember that you can find The Cinefessions Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, and right here on the website. Be sure to send any comments, questions, or complaints our way as well, via twitter (@cinefessions or @psymin1), email, or the comments section below. Our email address is contact@cinefessions.com. As always, thanks for listening!.

Show Notes:
0:00:00 – 0:05:08 – Intro
0:05:09 – 0:57:04 – Our Week in Media
0:57:05 – 1:58:48 – Inside (2016) Review (Contains Spoilers!)
1:58:49 – 2:01:56 – Outro

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(2:01:56 — 111MB)