Welcome to episode eighteen of The Cinefessions Podcast! This week, Chris, Ashe, and Branden kick-off a whole new series by discussing episode one of season one of the Netflix Original Series show Sense8. They also announce the giveaway winner from the last episode, and talk about what they plan on watching this Halloween season.
You can follow along with this series by watching Sense8 on Netflix.
Note that these Sense8 episodes are filled with major spoilers, and we highly recommend that you watch the episodes before listening to the show if you do not want major plot points, including the endings, spoiled for you. This episode also contains adult language.
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Remember that you can find The Cinefessions Podcast on Stitcher Radio, iTunes, and right here on the website. Be sure to send any comments, questions, or complaints our way as well, via twitter (@cinefessions or @psymin1), email, or the comments section below. Our email address is contact@cinefessions.com. As always, thanks for listening!.
Show Notes:
0:00:00 – 0:15:46 – Intro/Our Week in Media
0:15:47 – 0:36:54 – Halloween Season Viewing Plans (click here for Branden’s list)
0:36:55 – 0:40:40 – Giveaway: Win Hanna and Limitless on Blu-ray!
0:35:00 – 1:38:38 – Sense8: S1.E1 (Limbic Resonance) Review (Contains Spoilers!)
1:38:39 – 1:40:21 – Outro

Branden has been a film fan since he was young, roaming the halls of Blockbuster Video, trying to find the grossest, scariest looking VHS covers to rent and watch alone in the basement. It wasn’t until recently, though, that Branden started seeking out the classics of cinema, and began to develop his true passion for the art form. Branden approaches each film with the unique perspective of having studied the art from the inside, having both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in acting. He has been a film critic since 2010, and has previously written for Inside Pulse Movies, We Love Cult, and Diehard Gamefan. His biggest achievement as a film critic, to date, has been founding Cinefessions and turning it from a personal blog to a true film website, housing hundreds of film and television reviews, and dozens of podcasts.
Yeah Im glad the podcast is back guys!
Initial thoughts on the episode are that I really agreed with Branden on almost everything he said. So much so it was weird. I loved the cinematic feel of the show, I agree that after just five mins watching I was thinking this is definitely gonna be a whole better show to podcast about than scream was. In fact I want to go on record to say that I probably enjoyed the podcast more than Scream. It did feel over whelming at first but by the end of the episode I felt it worked really well and I realised that I enjoyed visiting all the different locations etc, much like another favourite show of mine, Game of Thrones. I was engaged throughout but especially with the actor/trailer scene, van damn bus, German funeral and safe break in. I also really did like the shot of him pissing on his fathers grave. I really liked the music that the dj was listening too towards the end of the episode as well. I thought it worked really well with the scene. I swear I’ve seen something similar somewhere else with slightly similar music but I just cant place it. Initial thoughts were American Beauty but I don’t know. Further investigation is needed. But I really did like the music. I also liked the wet dildo, actually as the sex scene went on I had in my head that there would be a “graphic sound effect” when they pulled out the dildo but instead they used the wet dildo splash on the floor. I don’t know why, must be something to do with a realism I the show and the fact it isn’t on cable. Sex scenes in both film and tv are always lacking in realism especially in regards to sound effects. Not this show however. I hope it continues to be a thoroughly interesting and engaging show and I look forward to the podcasts. One minor point, come on guys lets leave the larger guys and their outfit choices alone. Just because someone might not want to see something doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t do it. I’m all for plus size men and women wearing tight or revealing or even fitted clothing if they choose. And I will simply ignore it if I don’t like it as it isn’t really hurting anyone. Just my two cents. I felt like we could have possibly been wading into hurtful territory if it had carried on a bit more. Plus size women have enough shit comments in their life without us adding to them. Anyway thought the episode was great and glad you guys are back to help navigate through what looks like a very promising series
Thanks so much for the comment, Brent! If you agreed with me this week, wait until you hear the next podcast. There will definitely be some differences of opinion.
Thanks again!