Welcome to episode 3 of Cinefessions, the solo podcast dedicated to the confessions of a cinephile. In Cinefessions, I talk through film reviews, recommendations, and plenty of other things you may not care about.  This week on the show, I continue the first ever Cinefessions Movie Marathon with Resident Evil: Apocalypse from 2004, as well as discuss (or rant about) the MPAA ratings system.

Feedback is appreciated and encouraged. Email me at psymin1[at]yahoo[dot]com or follow me on twitter @psymin1.

You can listen to the show by clicking play below, or by visiting iTunes.

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Show Notes:
0:00 – 4:51 – Introduction/MPAA Ratings System Discussion
4:52 – 11:23 – Film ReviewResident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)
11:24 – 14:30 – Once Upon an Instant Queue: The Reef (2011)

Music courtesy of  The Rural Alberta Advantage from Free Music Archive. Both clips are excerpts from “Stamp” by The Rural Alberta Advantage.