Movie Number– 65
Title– Friday the 13th (1980)
Running Time– 95 minutes (“R”)
Director– Sean S. Cunningham
Writer– Victor Miller
Starring– Adrienne King, Jeannine Taylor, Kevin Bacon, Harry Crosby, Laurie Bartram, Mark Nelson, and Peter Brouwer
If anyone cared to look hard enough, I’m sure one could find a quote on The Movie Files dogging the original Friday the 13th, calling it the weakest of the Big Three™ (which also includes Halloween, and A Nightmare on Elm Street). Though that may still be the case, and Friday the 13th might be the weakest of the three classics, my latest viewing, commemorating the date, has shown me why Friday the 13th stands out against all the other Halloween clones; the biggest reason of which has to be Tom Savini’s wonderful special effects work.
In case any of my readers have not seen this legendary horror film, I’ve kept my review spoiler-free.
Steve Christy (Peter Brouwer) is looking to reopen Camp Crystal Lake. He hires a group of counselors to help him ready the camp for the summer. Unfortunately for Steven, Camp Crystal Lake has had a history of bad luck (leading the locals to deem it “Camp Blood”): years ago, a little boy – Jason Voorhees – drowned in the lake because a couple of counselors were busy having sex, ignoring the poor swimmer. A year later, an unknown assailant murdered two other camp counselors in the throes of passion. Now, Steve Christy is hoping to put that history behind him and welcome in the youngsters for a nice, safe summer break. Someone has other ideas, though, and that “unknown assailant” has returned to pick off anyone that intrudes on Camp Crystal Lake one by one.
As one can tell from the synopsis, the story is about as basic as one can find. Fortunately it works well for the slasher genre, and has proven to be the example by which hundreds, if not thousands, of slasher films have borrowed from since. It brings a small group of people together in a secluded area where no one can help them. It’s a cinematic serial killer’s wet dream. Why Friday the 13th stands out is merely because it was one of the originators of this sort of archetypal story.
Friday the 13th was not Savini’s first effects job, but it was one of his largest films at that time, and along with his work on George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead (1978), helped catapult Savini to the top of the makeup and effects scene, making him THE man to get for horror movies. His work on Friday the 13th is exceptional, and he manages to deliver an axe through the head that rivals what we see even today.
I previously found Friday the 13th to be slowly paced and a tad boring. Though there are times where the film could benefit from some tightening up, most of these slower moments help build the character’s relationships, which is something I preach about in the majority of my reviews. Kevin Bacon does a great job in one of his earlier roles, as does Mark Nelson playing Ned, and Walt Gorney with his bit part of Crazy Ralph. The acting – especially for an 80s slasher film – is unexpectedly strong from the majority of the supporting cast. It’s also clear where Wes Craven got the idea of introducing a false female lead (which he uses in A Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream to positive results).
This early “splatter film” deserves the recognition it receives thanks to excellent special effects makeup work by Tom Savini, a great score by Harry Manfredini, solid acting, including a young Kevin Bacon, and some nice scares. In the land of 80s slasher films, it’s clear why Friday the 13th is one of the films on the top of the mountain.

Branden has been a film fan since he was young, roaming the halls of Blockbuster Video, trying to find the grossest, scariest looking VHS covers to rent and watch alone in the basement. It wasn’t until recently, though, that Branden started seeking out the classics of cinema, and began to develop his true passion for the art form. Branden approaches each film with the unique perspective of having studied the art from the inside, having both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in acting. He has been a film critic since 2010, and has previously written for Inside Pulse Movies, We Love Cult, and Diehard Gamefan. His biggest achievement as a film critic, to date, has been founding Cinefessions and turning it from a personal blog to a true film website, housing hundreds of film and television reviews, and dozens of podcasts.
As always, great review! I like the original F13 too, for all the reasons you mentioned. The 2009 remake is also surprisingly good. But you’re right in that the original was groundbreaking in many ways. I personally think it’s neck-and-neck with HALLOWEEN as far as back story and better in the gore department. Personally, I am a NIGHTMARE fan for the immensely horrifying idea of not being able to go to sleep (if you want to live, that is), a basic human need and, unlike most of our needs, impossible to avoid in the end. You’re awesome — you always make me want to go watch lots of horror flicks!
Thanks, Zu! I saw the F13 remake in theatres and remember liking it, but haven’t seen it since. It often gets a lot of hate, and is set as one of the examples of a “remake gone bad”, so I want to watch it again and see if I agree or not. I need to watch Halloween again to see how it compares (it’s the only one of the Big Three I haven’t seen in the past year, and that needs to change). I’m also a huge Nightmare fan. I think it is the scariest of the three. From what I recall, Nightmare is the scariest; Friday has the best gore; Halloween has the best story and direction. My memory could be playing tricks with me about Halloween though, so I need to watch it again. Thanks a lot for reading my reviews, Zu. It makes it worth it knowing that I have some established readers.
P.S.: I’m anxiously awaiting your next Monthly Report Card! Also, we should add each other to our blogroll. I will add your site right now.
I totally agree with your assessment of the big three — that’s exactly how I’d rank them. And I don’t care about mass opinion — it’s so subjective. You just have to find a reviewer you trust and then decide if a flick is worth watching.
Yup, you have a big fan here! My Netflix queue is often populated with your suggestions.
Ugh … my report card. I actually missed a month (a whole month) because I have been swamped with work. In the weeds. Up to my ears. Can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel — unless it’s a train. But I am about to remedy the situation. This madness must stop!
Thanks for the motivation.
[…] hit or miss with Part 3. There are some incredible moments that rival Tom Savini’s work from the original, but these moments are inconsistent. There is no excuse for an axe to the head to look better in […]
[…] Disc 1 – Friday the 13th (1980) […]