Month: April 2010

Movie #34 – Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

Movie Number- 34 Title- Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) Genre- Horror Branden’s Rating- 4 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating- 5 out of 10 Average Rating- 4.5 Netflix Rating- 2 Stars Comments– When I can manage to fall asleep at a horror movie that is based on the people getting murdered in their sleep, you know…

Movie #33 – (500) Days of Summer

Movie Number- 33 Title- (500) Days of Summer (2009) Genre- Romantic Comedy Branden’s Rating- 10 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating- 9 out of 10 Average Rating- 9.5 Netflix Rating- 5 Stars Comments–  This had a lot of hype surrounding it thanks to my fellow Twitter friends, so I had very high expectations going in.  Fortunately, even…

Movie #32 – Splinter

Movie Number- 32 Title- Splinter (2008) Genre- Horror Branden’s Rating- 6 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating- 7 out of 10 Average Rating- 6.5 Netflix Rating- 3 Stars Comments– There was some shoddy CGI going on at different points, but there was still an interesting story being told.  I feel like the actors were not stellar,…

Movie #31 – 2012

Movie Number- 31 Title- 2012 (2009) Genre- Disaster Film Branden’s Rating- 8 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating- 8 out of 10 Average Rating- 8 Netflix Rating- 4 Stars Comments– I can understand all the hate- it is ridiculous, long, and filled with the most unlikely scenarios imaginable- but 2012 is easily my #2 favorite movie…

Movie #30 – Darkness Falls

Movie Number- 30 Title- Darkness Falls (2003) Genre- Supernatural Horror Branden’s Rating- 4 out of 10 Bridgette’s Rating- 7 out of 10 Average Rating- 5.5 Netflix Rating- 3 Stars Comments– This movie starts out with a TON of potential, and is one of the scarier openings to a movie I can remember.  When I saw…