Island of Lost SoulsTitle: Island of Lost Souls (1932)
Director: Erle C. Kenton
Runtime: 70 minutes

It’s hard to believe that Island of Lost Souls wasn’t made by Universal, but is rather a response to those classic monster movies. Lost Souls does a great job setting the atmosphere of this mysterious island of Dr. Moreau, but it’s still lacks a heavy punch overall.

Though there is a lot to like about the movie – foremost, the make-up effects are excellent – I still find it difficult to stay awake, even with its short runtime. I chock that up to slow pacing, and though it doesn’t kill the film, it does hurt it. It would be nice to simply have more going on during

It’s crazy to know that this film was banned in England when it was released because there is virtually nothing in it that most of us would deem “violent” or “graphic”. It’s fun to see how far we’ve come as a society of film lovers since the 1930s.

Island of Lost Souls is an above average film that I enjoyed more than Frankenstein – it has more depth and sincerity – but not quite as much as The Wolf Man, or Bride of Frankenstein.


Original Uncut DVD

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